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The Journey to the International Master Worlds and Adult Worlds.

This past week, I had the privilege of traveling to California to compete in the International Master Worlds and coach one of our students in the same tournament, along with three of our students in the Adult Master Worlds. This event is a highlight of my year for my adult competitors, showcasing the best Gi grapplers from around the globe. The debate over whether Gi or No Gi is superior will have to wait for another day. Today, I want to focus on the incredible journey each athlete undertakes to compete at this level.

The Courage to Compete

Competing at the International Master Worlds and the Adult Worlds is no small feat. It takes immense courage just to sign up. Athletes are pitted against the best grapplers in the world, regardless of belt color or weight division. Every competitor in your bracket is the best at their gym, making the competition extraordinarily fierce. Unlike local events where you might occasionally get an easy match, the Worlds are a different beast altogether. The level of skill and dedication required to qualify and compete is unparalleled.

The Sacrifices We Make

Participating in the Worlds demands significant sacrifices. Financially, you need to cover entry fees, round-trip flights, hotel accommodations, transportation, and food. For many, this financial burden can be daunting, especially since most athletes do not have sponsors to alleviate the costs.

Time is another crucial sacrifice. Your training schedule must intensify, which means spending more time at the gym and less with your family or social circle. For those with families, this can be particularly challenging, as your loved ones have to adjust to your increased absence. For single athletes, social activities often take a backseat during the intense training period leading up to the competition.

Physically, your body will endure a grueling regimen. Regular massages, adjustments, and possibly rehab sessions become necessary to keep your body in peak condition, adding to the financial and time commitments. Dietary changes are also essential. While it’s not about strict dieting, you need to curb indulgences like ice cream or other vices to maintain optimal performance levels.

The Uncertainty of Success

All these sacrifices are made with no guarantee of success. The harsh reality is that many athletes might be eliminated in their first match. Yet, the experience of stepping onto the mat at the Worlds is so profoundly rewarding that, for most, it is worth every ounce of effort, regardless of the outcome. The camaraderie, the thrill of competition, and the personal growth that comes from such a high level of commitment make it an irreplaceable experience.

Celebrating Our Team’s Achievements

I couldn’t be prouder of our students who competed this week. Each one demonstrated remarkable dedication and skill, embodying the true spirit of the sport.

The Master’s Contender

One of our students is on a relentless quest for a Master’s world title. This weekend, he showcased his talents by earning a second-place medal in his division and a third-place medal in the open division. Despite the success, he remains focused on areas for improvement, already preparing for the Master Worlds in Las Vegas in the up coming months.

The Young Dreamer

Our young blue belt had dreamed of competing in the World Championship since he was ten years old. Although he didn’t secure a win, his performance was outstanding. Stepping onto that mat was the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and he carried himself with the poise and skill of a seasoned competitor. I can not wait to see what next year looks like for him.

The Warrior Woman

Our female brown belt faced a unique set of challenges. She was closing on a new home just hours before flying out to compete, yet she never made excuses or felt sorry for herself. She fought like a warrior, demonstrating resilience and determination that simply put is who she is. This as her last Worlds as and adult competitor. Now time to crush the Masters division.

The Resilient Black Belt

Finally, our black belt entered one of the toughest divisions in the tournament. His match was thrilling, though it ended in a loss. True to his warrior spirit, he immediately began strategizing for his return next year. His dedication to the sport and his willingness to learn and grow from every experience exemplify the essence of a true martial artist. This is why he is one of the best grapplers in Tennessee. He is always a student and looking to improve.

The Unseen Efforts

For those who have never experienced this level of competition, it’s hard to comprehend the amount of effort, sacrifice, and dedication involved. Watching your friends, loved ones, and training partners pour their hearts into preparing for the Worlds can give you a glimpse into their journey. Every training session, every sacrifice, and every moment of doubt is part of the process that shapes them into the athletes they are.

Reflecting on the Experience

Reflecting on this past week, I am filled with a deep sense of pride and gratitude. Coaching and competing alongside such dedicated individuals is an honor. The bonds we forge through this shared journey strengthen our team and drive us to continually strive for excellence.

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead to future competitions, our focus will be on refining our techniques, improving our strategies, and supporting each other through every challenge. The journey to the Worlds is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires consistent effort, unwavering commitment, and a deep love for the sport.


The Worlds is more than just a tournament; it’s a testament to the dedication, resilience, and passion of every athlete who steps onto the mat. The sacrifices made, the challenges faced, and the victories earned—whether they are medals or personal milestones—define the true spirit of martial arts.

To our students who competed this week, I couldn’t be prouder of each one of you. Your hard work, determination, and warrior spirit are an inspiration. As we continue to train, learn, and grow, I am confident that we will achieve even greater heights in the future.

Here’s to the journey, the sacrifices, and the glory that comes with stepping onto the mat at the International Master Worlds and Adult Worlds. We will continue to push our limits, chase our dreams, and support each other every step of the way.

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