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Evolving Goals: A Reflection on My Jiu Jitsu Journey

As I sit down to reflect on my journey in the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I am struck by the evolution of my goals over the years. Each decade has brought its own set of challenges, triumphs, and transformations, molding me into the person I am today.

In my 20s, Jiu Jitsu wasn’t as mainstream as it is now. It was a time when no holds barred fighting reigned supreme, and I found myself drawn to the mat seeking validation and an outlet for the rage within me. Competing was fueled by a desire to prove myself, to test my skills against others in the rawest form possible.

Entering my 30s, the landscape of Jiu Jitsu began to shift. The sport gained popularity, and suddenly, we found ourselves regarded as subject matter experts, despite or true lack of understanding of Jiu Jitsu. It was during this time that I transitioned into the role of an instructor and coach, sharing my passion and knowledge with others. Yet, the fire of competition still burned within me, leading me to dabble in MMA and continue pushing myself on the mats in competitions.

By the time my 40s rolled around, I had become a leader within our affiliation, guiding over 20 black belts on their own journeys. While my love for competition remained, it took a backseat to a newfound focus on mentorship and helping my students reach their full potential. The journey became more important than the destination, and I reveled in the growth of those I had the privilege to coach.

Now, as I embrace my 50s, I find myself at another crossroads. The role of a full-time coach has become my primary focus, and leadership is woven into the fabric of my daily life. While my days of competition may be behind me, my passion for the art remains as strong as ever. I’ve come to accept that my journey has shifted once again, and I am embracing the opportunity to nurture and shape the next generation of warriors.

Looking back on my Jiu Jitsu career, I wouldn’t change a single moment. Every triumph, every setback, has played a crucial role in shaping me into the coach, leader, and mentor I am today. My journey continues to unfold, and I am grateful for the lessons learned along the way. As I embark on this new chapter, I am filled with excitement for the adventures that lie ahead and the opportunity to continue building savages and warriors both on and off the mat.

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