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Expectations for New Students on Their Martial Arts Journey

Embarking on a journey in martial arts can be a transformative experience that extends far beyond physical training. As a business owner, instructor, mentor, and a man of faith, I have seen firsthand the many dimensions of personal growth that this path can facilitate. As you step into my martial arts school, I want to outline what you can expect as a new student, as well as the invaluable rewards that await you as you continue your journey.

What to Expect as a New Student

1. Instruction Over Personal Connection

When you start training with us, it’s important to understand that I will be both your instructor and the owner of the gym. Your initial interaction with me will primarily be of a professional nature. You will be paying for your monthly tuition, which covers your instruction and access to the gym. In the beginning, our relationship will be built on this foundation. As you learn and grow, this dynamic may evolve, but it’s essential to approach your training with the understanding that this is a professional commitment.

2. Finding Your Tribe

Within the walls of the gym, you’ll encounter a diverse community of individuals, each with their own backgrounds, experiences, and reasons for training. There are various “tribes” or groups that form among students. Some will be more inclusive, while others may seem closed off. It is natural to gravitate toward those with whom you resonate, forming bonds that can enhance your experience. Remember that while cliques may form, my priority is the community as a whole; I aim to provide an environment where everyone feels included and valued.

3. Standards of Conduct

As your instructor, I hold a commitment to maintaining a high standard within our gym. Regardless of personal differences, respect is non-negotiable. Students are expected to treat one another with kindness and to approach conflicts with maturity. Your actions and demeanor should exemplify the values we uphold in our practice. This includes:

  • Respect for Everyone: Everyone, from fellow students to instructors, deserves respect. We may not always get along, but we must learn to coexist harmoniously.
  • Respect for Staff and Equipment: Our staff is here to support your growth, and proper treatment of gym equipment ensures that everyone can train effectively. Destroying or misusing equipment will lead to increased costs for all.
  • Constructive Communication: If problems arise, I encourage you to speak to a staff member. We can’t resolve issues we aren’t aware of, so constructive feedback is an essential part of our community.

4. Patience and Growth

Like any worthwhile venture, martial arts training requires patience. Skill development takes time and persistence. As you practice, you will overcome challenges, both physical and mental. I encourage you to maintain an open mindset and to push through difficulties. The progress you’ll make, internally and externally, will be profoundly rewarding.

What You Will Gain from Your Journey

1. Personal Growth

As you advance in your training, you will inevitably experience growth that transcends the mat. Martial arts teach discipline, resilience, and self-control. These qualities will benefit you not only in your martial practice but also in your everyday life as a father, husband, leader, and member of the community.

2. Expanded Community

Over time, you will find lasting friendships and connections within our martial arts family. The support from your fellow students—those who understand the struggles and victories of training—can be incredibly uplifting. You will cultivate relationships that may extend beyond the gym, enriching your life in numerous ways.

3. The Role of a Coach

As you progress, you may see me less as just an instructor and more as a coach who is deeply invested in your development. I will provide guidance, mentorship, and support tailored to your personal journey, ensuring that you stay on track with your goals.

4. Valuable Life Lessons

Martial arts teaches important life lessons: how to handle conflict, how to work collaboratively with others, and the value of hard work and dedication. These principles can be applied far beyond the dojo, impacting all areas of your life.


Your journey into martial arts is about more than acquiring self-defense skills or attaining belts; it’s about personal transformation and community connection. As your instructor, I am here to guide you through this process, upholding the standards of respect and kindness that we value. Embrace the challenges, cherish the friendships you forge, and know that you are embarking on a remarkable path of growth that will benefit you in countless ways. Welcome to our martial arts family.

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