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Jiu-Jitsu Journals: Should we journal or not?

Stepping onto the mats in the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is not just about physical movements and techniques; it’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and mental resilience. For many grapplers, including myself, the practice of carrying a notebook to the gym has become essential in our BJJ experience.

As I started my BJJ journey, I quickly realized the value of tracking my training sessions and personal progress. Taking a few minutes after each session to jot down my thoughts and observations has proven immensely beneficial. But what exactly am I writing down in my journal?

Before even setting foot in the gym, I make it a point to note how I feel. Whether it’s a day filled with excitement and energy or a day weighed down by stress and fatigue, acknowledging my initial state of mind sets the tone for my training session.

During the training, I document the techniques we covered that day. By writing down the intricacies of each move, I not only reinforce my memory but also gain a deeper understanding of the mechanics behind the technique. This process helps me reflect on whether I was able to successfully integrate the new knowledge into my game.

One crucial aspect of my journaling practice is reviewing my rolling sessions. I analyze how I performed during sparring, what worked well, and where I struggled. By identifying my strengths and weaknesses on the mats, I can tailor my future training sessions to address areas needing improvement.

Setting specific goals before each training session is another key component of my journal entries. Whether it’s refining a particular technique, improving my cardio endurance, or focusing on my mental toughness, having clear objectives keeps me motivated and driven throughout the session.

Looking ahead, I also make it a point to jot down actionable steps I can take to enhance my skills before the next training session. This could involve extra drilling, studying instructional videos, or even practicing visualization techniques. By proactively planning my preparation, I ensure that each training session is purposeful and productive.

Moreover, I use my journal to set broader goalsfor the week. Whether I’m aiming to attend a certain number of classes or master a challenging submission, creating weekly goals keeps me committed and focused on my long-term progression.

In essence, my BJJ journal serves as a roadmap of my personal growth within the martial art. It holds me accountable, provides me with valuable insights into my progress, and allows me to celebrate my achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

To those who are considering starting their own BJJ journal, I encourage you to take that leap of faith. Grab a notebook, be honest with your reflections, and embrace the fact that the journey of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a continuous and evolving process. Your journal will not only be a record of your physical techniques but also a testament to your mental resilience and dedication to self-improvement.

So, as you tie your belt and step onto the mats, remember to carry your notebook with you. Your thoughts, struggles, triumphs, and aspirations deserve to be documented. Embrace the journey, write your story, and witness the growth that unfolds on and off the mats.

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