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The True Martial Art Code in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: A Balanced Perspective

In the dynamic and diverse world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), the essence of martial arts often seems overshadowed by the pursuit of technical mastery and competitive success. While these aspects are undeniably important, there is a deeper layer to BJJ that revolves around the martial art code—principles that shape not only the practice but also the character and conduct of both students and instructors. Many modern practitioners may be unaware of these guiding principles, which is a growing concern within the community. This blog aims to shed light on what my view of the martial art code entails, the expectations between students and instructors, and the importance of mutual respect and communication in fostering a healthy training environment.

Understanding the Martial Art Code

At its core, the martial art code is a set of values and principles that transcend the physical aspects of training. These include humility, respect, integrity, perseverance, and discipline. They serve as the foundation for personal growth and community building within the martial arts dojo or gym. The martial art code is not just about following rules; it is about cultivating a mindset that respects the art, the instructor, and fellow students.

The Diversity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gyms

Not all BJJ gyms are created equal. They vary widely in their approach, focus, and philosophy:

  1. Traditional Gyms: These emphasize the classical aspects of BJJ, incorporating rituals, formalities, and a strong adherence to the traditional martial art code.
  2. Sport-Oriented Gyms: These focus on competition and sport BJJ, often prioritizing techniques and strategies that are effective in tournaments.
  3. Self-Defense Gyms: These prioritize practical techniques for real-world self-defense situations, often blending BJJ with other martial arts.
  4. Multi-Disciplinary Gyms: These offer a variety of martial arts programs, allowing students to cross-train and gain a broader perspective.

Each type of gym has its merits, and the best choice depends on the individual’s goals and preferences. However, what is more important than the type of gym is the quality of the instruction and the ethos instilled by the head instructor.

The Role of the Instructor

The head instructor, or sensei, plays a pivotal role in shaping the culture of the gym. Here are some key expectations from an instructor:

  1. Adherence to Rules and Standards: Instructors expect students to follow the gym’s rules and dress codes. These may seem trivial to some, but they are often in place to maintain discipline and unity.
  2. Commitment to Learning: Instructors look for students who are dedicated and consistent in their training. Regular attendance and active participation are signs of a serious student.
  3. Open Communication: This is crucial. Students should feel comfortable discussing their struggles, goals, and feedback with their instructor. Many issues arise from a lack of communication, leading to misunderstandings and frustration.
  4. Respect and Humility: Instructors expect students to show respect towards them and fellow practitioners. This includes recognizing the instructor’s experience and wisdom, and acknowledging one’s own mistakes and areas for improvement.

The Role of the Student

Just as instructors have expectations, students also have their own set of expectations from their instructors:

  1. Quality Instruction: Students expect knowledgeable and competent instruction that helps them improve and achieve their goals.
  2. Support and Guidance: Beyond technical teaching, students look for mentorship and support in their martial arts journey.
  3. Safe Training Environment: Students need a safe and respectful environment where they can train without fear of injury or harassment.
  4. Fairness and Integrity: Students expect their instructors to be fair, honest, and impartial in their dealings with all members of the gym.

The Importance of Mutual Respect and Communication

A successful student-instructor relationship is built on mutual respect and open communication. Here’s why these elements are vital:

  1. Building Trust: Respect and communication foster trust. When students trust their instructors, they are more likely to follow guidance and persevere through challenges.
  2. Addressing Frustrations: Martial arts training is inherently challenging, and students will face frustration. Open communication helps address these issues constructively, preventing them from becoming sources of resentment.
  3. Creating a Positive Environment: Mutual respect and clear communication contribute to a positive and supportive training environment, which benefits everyone in the gym.

Navigating Challenges in the Student-Instructor Relationship

Despite the best efforts, challenges can arise in the student-instructor relationship. Here are some common issues and how to address them:

  1. Frustration with Progress: It’s common for students to feel frustrated with their progress. Instead of quitting or harboring negative feelings, they should discuss their concerns with their instructor. Often, these issues can be resolved with tailored guidance or adjustments in training methods.
  2. Miscommunication: Misunderstandings are inevitable. Both parties should strive for clear and honest communication. Instructors should be approachable, and students should not hesitate to seek clarification.
  3. Personality Clashes: Not every student-instructor pair will have perfect chemistry. In such cases, it’s important to maintain professionalism and respect. If the relationship is too strained, it might be worth considering a different class or instructor within the same gym.
  4. Perceived Unfairness: Students might sometimes feel they are being treated unfairly. It’s crucial to address these feelings directly with the instructor rather than gossiping or spreading negativity. An open dialogue can often resolve such perceptions.

Personal Accountability and Self-Reflection

One of the most critical aspects of the martial art code is personal accountability. Students must regularly self-reflect and evaluate their behavior and attitudes. Here are some steps to practice self-accountability:

  1. Self-Assessment: Regularly assess your own progress, attitude, and behavior. Are you putting in the effort required? Are you maintaining respect and humility?
  2. Feedback Acceptance: Be open to feedback from your instructor and peers. Constructive criticism is an essential part of growth in martial arts.
  3. Avoiding the Victim Mentality: It’s easy to blame others for our shortcomings, but this mindset is counterproductive. Instead, focus on what you can control and improve.
  4. Setting Personal Goals: Set realistic and achievable goals for your training. This helps maintain motivation and provides a clear path for your journey.

The Instructor’s Perspective

Instructors, too, need to practice self-reflection and accountability. They must ensure they are providing the best possible guidance and maintaining the values of the martial art code. Here are some considerations for instructors:

  1. Continuous Learning: Good instructors never stop learning. They should seek to improve their own skills and teaching methods continually.
  2. Being Approachable: Instructors should cultivate an environment where students feel comfortable approaching them with concerns and questions.
  3. Fairness and Impartiality: Treat all students fairly, regardless of their skill level or personal relationship with the instructor.
  4. Leading by Example: Instructors should embody the principles they teach. Their behavior sets the tone for the entire gym.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, like all martial arts, is more than just a physical discipline; it is a journey of personal growth and development. The martial art code provides a framework for this journey, emphasizing values such as respect, humility, and integrity. Both students and instructors have roles to play in upholding these values.

For students, this means adhering to the gym’s rules, showing dedication and respect, maintaining open lines of communication, and practicing self-accountability. For instructors, it involves providing quality instruction, being approachable and fair, and leading by example.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a positive, respectful, and supportive training environment where everyone can thrive. By understanding and embracing the true martial art code, practitioners of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can ensure that the art remains not only a means of self-defense and competition but also a path to personal excellence and mutual respect.

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